Our spirit

 On the front of the future while still rooted in the best of the past. Just as our grandpa gave us the shoe, his life has inspired our brand. He had something of a pioneer spirit. He was a Disney cartoonist with a huge interest in film cameras and the latest technology. Being a stylist for a legendary Scandinavian outfitter, he developed a deep love for classic men’s style. As such he could be perceived as a conservative. But at the same time he broke new ground as he was caring for both our father and our uncle during their baby years, while our grandma worked as a teacher. We will be forever grateful as this made our dad a very good one. Which in turn, made it easy for us to become loving parents of our children.

Just as our grandpa, we are striving to keep the best from the past while embracing the changes that needs to be made. It is our firm believe that things done right today will pass on to new generations.

We see ourselves as a part of a sustainable future. We think the highest standard of any wearable is when you, several years after your purchase, want to replace your worn out piece with a new one. Usually today, it is not in production anymore. We want to change that. We want to keep providing the shoes you love, season by season. Year after year. We believe in long relationships with our suppliers, so that we can let our products mature and gradually improve. We want to keep making good shoes the way good shoes has always been made. But we will never close the door to the future.