Our story

The beginning
It all started with our stylish grandpa Einar and the pair of shoes he passed on. It was a pair of beautiful woven leather shoes that went perfectly with almost any outfit. They mixed the stretchy comfort of a sneaker with the elegance of a dress shoe. As the shoes were worn and could not be replaced, an idea started to grow.
The kickstart
It was 2017 when we decided to go for it. Our brand started to form and we began the journey to launch our shoes on Kickstarter. It took a year of preparation and prototyping before we launched during the summer heat of 2018.

Luxury direct to you
To produce a shoe with our unique mix of qualities, we teamed up with an artisan shoemaker in Italy who met our high standard. The result has received pure love from our customers worldwide. Since 2019 we have been delivering shoes worldwide through our online store. By selling direct to you we can deliver a marvellous shoe at a competitive price.
Our spirit
Just as our grandpa gave us the shoe, his life has inspired our brand. He had something of a pioneer spirit. He was a Disney cartoonist with a huge interest in film cameras and the latest technology. Being a stylist for a legendary Scandinavian outfitter, he developed a deep love for classic men’s style. But what really made him a pioneer was how he, in the late 50’s, combined working form home with caring for two kids while our grandma worked as a teacher.
Like grandpa, we are striving to keep the best from the past while embracing the changes that needs to be made. It is our firm believe that things done right today will pass on to new generations.
We see ourselves as a part of a sustainable future. We believe we will continue to provide shoes and other apparel at a sensible pace. We want our products to be timeless and iconic and to be loved by their owners for years to come. We believe in long relationships with our suppliers, so that we can let our products mature and gradually improve. We want to keep making good shoes the way good shoes has always been made. But we will never close the door to the future.